Awesome App 🤩
The dashboard where developers and service providers may create and distribute Salla Apps. App makers have complete control over their applications, including the ability to create, edit, hide, and remove the Apps. They may also customise the app's access level (App scope), as well as add webhooks and notifications, this is to empower their own apps. Following that, the Apps will be published to the Salla App Store, where they will be available for installation by any Salla Store owner.
The mission of the Salla Technical Blog is to keep the audience up to speed on virtually everything, including developer announcements, articles, and updates. It also includes a variety of technical and non-technical articles and examples to assist you. The Salla Technical Blog's main objective is to expound on the general elements of the Salla eCommerce Platform's services and solutions.
The primary technical reference that explains how to effectively interact and integrate with Salla Store. It’s used by the developers and service providers to create solutions for Salla Stores. It provides streamlined documentation to make developing and administering Salla Stores apps and services easier for teams.
The official Salla Developers Telegram channel where anyone may discuss technical questions and get answers. Salla Team will use this channel to share technical articles, news, tutorials, development ideas, and more. This community will also be used to communicate regular announcements and updates.
Laravel v8.83.24 (PHP v7.4.33)